Preparations for biorevitalization and mesotherapy ONmacabim Medical

ONmed drugs are the result of 10 years of work, studies of one of the leading universities in Israel (Weizmann Institute), cooperation with European research laboratories. Thanks to an integrated approach, multifactorial the effects and uniqueness of the formulations of the preparations ONmedical will help solve a wide range of cosmetology tasks.

Onmacabim laboratory has been engaged in research work for more than 30 years, creating drugs for cosmetologists.The result of research in pharmacology and biotechnology is the new Onmacabim Medical line of drugs. Thanks to innovations in the pharmaceutical field, our multidisciplinary team of professional pharmacologists has created hyaluronic acid-based products that combine:

  • Best quality of drugs.
  • Quick results.
  • Optimal pricing policy.
  • Safe products, without preservatives in sterile and pyrogen-free form.
  • The ability to work with any well-known mesotherapy techniques.

Warranty 100% security

Without the use of additives and impurities. All the best for you!

Result after the 1st procedure

The skin becomes more firm and supple.

Sterility and pyrogen-free medicines

Reliable medicine protection, sterile instruments.

Lack of side effects

Only natural ingredients without allergic reactions.

The ONmed line of medicine is a continuation of ONmacabim (Israel), a leader in the development and production of professional cosmetics and medicine for mesotherapy, as well as the development of application techniques and training of cosmetologists worldwide.

ONmacabim medical is a wide range of technologically advanced medicines that solve a wide range of problems faced by cosmetologists while working with patients. ONMED preparations have no analogues in the world, consist of natural ingredients, are absolutely safe and can be used in various techniques.

Educational video

Video tutorials for cosmetologists. Information on the effective use of medicine, problems and their solutions, techniques of use.